Complete Book of Ayurveda

Hans H. Rhyner - GEsamte Ayurveda Basis - auf Englisch - 604 Seiten

A comprehensive resource by one of the world's most respected Ayurveda experts Ayurveda is the art of good life and gentle healing. It is a holistic system of medicine that includes prevention, psychology, diet, and treatment. Join Hans H. Rhyner, a leading authority on Ayurveda, as he explores the principles, therapies, and collected knowledge of this powerful approach to health and wellbeing, including:


Anatomical Aspects (Rachana Sharira) • Evolutionary Physiology (Kriya Sharira) • Constitution (Prakruti) • Pathology (Samprapti) • Diagnostics (Nidana) • Pharmacology (Dravya Guna) • Treatment Strategies (Chikitsa) • Nutritional Sciences (Annavijnana) • Preventative Medicine (Swasthavritta) • Quintet of Therapeutics (Panchakarma) • Clinical Applications Filled with natural treatment suggestions and herbal remedies for dozens of conditions, Llewellyn's Complete Book of Ayurveda provides detailed explanations of the most important topics in the field, such as: The Legend of Ayurveda • Creation and Evolution (Sankhya) • Logic and Analysis (Nyaya-Vaisheshika) • Yoga • The Channel System (Srota) • Vital Points (Marma) • Seven Basic Tissues (Sapta Dhatus) • Biological Fire (Agni) • Toxic Wastes (Ama) • Somatic Constitution • Psychic Constitution • Causes of Disease (Nidana) • Six Stages of Pathogenesis (Kriya Kala) • Observation and Examination • Principles of Treatment • Acupuncture and Moxibustion • Eight Considerations on Food • Diet for Your Constitution • Kitchen Pharmacy • Daily Healthy Habits (Dinacarya) • Rules for Different Seasons (Rutacarya) • Ethical Life (Sadvritta) • Purificatory Treatments (Pradhanakarma) • Dietetics (Pascat Karma) • Ethics • Spirituality in Psychotherapy (Vedanta) • Ayurveda Surgery • Ayurveda Psychiatry • Vastu-Vedic Geomancy • Medical Astrology • And Much More


Schweiz:    +41 (0) 71 245 42 42

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+41 71 245 42 42 

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Tagesklinik für Ayurveda Medizin

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